Story: your a middle aged man in his mid 30s and are a member of the CIA your name is Daveson Flint and your on a one man stealth mission to stop a group of terrosists of the SU (Soviet Union) that are threating the USA one of the worlds most resourceful countries for man power, raw materials and money to continue the Schlieffen Plan from WW1 and take over france and russia. the way the CIA found this info in the first place is by getting a man to go into a warehouse where suspicous noises were heard so he went in and heard a bit of the plan from the SU group and they recognized the SU by their uniforms that were worn in WW1. Members: the first one is 4 senses but his real name his carlos decaprio he relies on sound in his boss arena once he knows where you are he'll start blasting the 2nd is Hawkeye a sniper having pin point accuracy which is in his early 30s the third is baboom a crazy man who uses explosives as his weapon hes in his late 40s and his real name is Harald Freude the 4th is shadow bender he uses the shadows and throwing stars as his weapon he uses the shadows as his disguises hes in his late 20s and he has no name as his identity has been lost while he was in a 2 day coma the final member is the leader he calls himself Anführer des Aufstands and his real name is Veränderer der Geschichte he uses his fists but is super fast he is in his late 30s Suppliers: one is supplying guns the companies name is 2 Hände 1 Waffe the second is Schiffssegel the ones who gave them the boat Quote of the group: "We'll be back to no.1! we'll be back on the top of the food chain! we'll make Germany great again!”

^ this is the story of Crow of the dead made by the developer of the game: Inf+1


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(1 edit)

im about to speedrun it, but sadly i didn't beat it yet. so yes ill beat it then ill try to speedrun💪 (edit its good but sadly there are some bugs like the one policeman going into wall and still going)